Did you know that touch is the first sense to develop in a child? Touch is essential to our health and well-being. Children who are exposed to tactile experiences including positive touch are more likely to develop as adults with strong self-esteem and healthy boundaries/decision making.
Children’s massage is a long time tradition and practice in many countries and cultures. Several Indigenous tribes use some form of bodywork to soothe, relax, and heal their little ones, which often include herbal remedies as a part of the experience.
Massage therapy is a wonderful stress-reliever for children. Oftentimes, we consider stress to be only an adult condition. Children often do not get a chance to slow down and let their bodies fully relax and rest. If they do manage to slow down or stop, too often it is to sit in front of a device or tablet. However, electronic devices can lead to a sedentary lifestyle that develop cognitive and physical issues such as “tech-neck” (from constantly looking down at your device).
Tech neck creates strains on the neck and spine and can lead to headaches, chronic pain and poor posture including a hunched back. Massage therapy can help to relax strained muscles and prevent long term damage. Education surrounding postural stretches and maintaining a healthy posture while using devices are key components to protecting and preventing injury to our children.
There can also be specific instances and reasons why massage therapy might be advantageous for children specifically. Many studies have shown that massage can help decrease stress and the stress hormone cortisol, reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and growing pains. Athletic children who are involved in multiple or competitive sports often incur various injuries, muscle strains and pains. There are childhood disabilities, disorders and structural or developmental issues that are becoming more prevalent and require more attention and strategies.
$85 for 60 mins (4-9 yrs old)
$105 for 60 min (10+ yrs old)
Now that we know massage could be beneficial for children, are there any reasons why they should not get a massage therapy treatment?
A contraindication for massage in children would be if they have a fever, acute infection or staph infection.
How long is a massage appointment for a child?
Younger children often have a shorter attention span, so a 30-minute hands on session is certainly appropriate and effective.
Do I have to be present while my child is having their treatment?
Yes. Parents are always encouraged to be present in the room with children, and for teenagers it is up to their discretion. As a therapist, it is my obligation to ensure that a child understands the treatment presented to them, otherwise a substitute decision maker (parent) will give consent for the treatment on behalf of their child.
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